All That Is Contained In The Hearts Will Be Exposed

All That Is Contained In The Hearts Will Be Exposed

“Does he not then know (what will happen) when all that is contained in the graves will be overturned, And all that is contained in the hearts will be exposed. Surely your Lord, that day, is fully aware of them.”

پس کیا وہ نہیں جانتا جب اکھاڑا جائے گا جو کچھ قبروں میں ہے، اورجو دلوں میں ہے وہ ظاہر کیا جائے گا، بے شک ان کا رب ان سے اس دن خوب خبردار ہو گا

[Surah Al-Adiyat # 9 – 11]

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